Dedication Award

2014 Volunteer Dedication Award

Lynn Slackman with awards vase

Every year the Missouri Botanical Garden honors it’s volunteers with a nice reception and awards event.  This year the Dedication Award was given to Lynn Slackman, past President of the Greater St Louis Daffodil Society, current Marketing/PR Chairperson for the American Daffodil Society, and active member of the Mid America Regional Lily Society.

The Dedication Award is bestowed to a volunteer who comes in on a regular basis each week and is conscientious about the tasks performed, accepting assignments that are not major undertakings but are essential to the program.

The following write-up was read by Lynn’s horticulture supervisors, Sophia Warsh and Sara Murphy, at the awards ceremony;
Lynn volunteers in the North Gardens and is also a Garden Docent.  She has been a Garden volunteer for 18 years.  In the Bulb Gardens, Lynn has worked specifically on the annual labeling of the Lilium collection.  Because of her in-depth knowledge of lilies, she is one of the only volunteers who can assist in this capacity.  She has also helped with transplanting lilies and has introduced new techniques for staking lilies and other bulbs.  Lynn is thoughtful and inquisitive and has been especially supportive of some of the new collections development projects that demand a lot of prep work before the results are apparent.  She is the official Chair for the 2016 World Daffodil Convention that will take place in St. Louis.  Lynn’s wide-ranging activities make her a great Garden ambassador.

Lynn was surprised and honored to receive this prestigious award, and looks forward to continuing her volunteer efforts at the Missouri Botanical Garden.